University education
1. Application for issuance of approval/extension of approval of temporary residence in BiH (you may undertake the form at the field office or download from the official website of Service, it has to be duly completed by hand or typed, signed by the applicant of application and printed on one sheet of paper, both sides),
2. BAM 150 of administrative fee for approval/extension of temporary residence,
3. Recent photo, size 35x45mm,
4. Copy of passport – page with data, last entry into BiH, visa for long term residence visa ‘D’- time validation of travel document should be at least three months longer than requested period of approval of temporary residence,
5. Copy of form of registration of alien’s residence- ‘white card’ (only when he/she submits application for approval of temporary residence),
6. Copy of last decision/notice on approved temporary residence or sticker of approval of temporary residence (only when he/she submits application for extension of temporary residence),
7.Certificate on enrollment at the educational institution for current academic year,
8.Certificate certifying that an alien participate in program of students exchange or mobility of youth, if he/she is enrolled at the educational institution upon this basis,
9. Certiicate on passed exam, to disseminate when is about the extension of residence,
10. Evidence on means for subsistence:
· guarantee statement certified at the municipal authority or notary wherein the BiH citizen or an alien with approved residence binds that shall bear all costs of stay of alien with evidence on source of income (possession of cash, bank or pension check, work permit, certificate on employment, contract on work, etc.),
· possession of cash on bank account – minimum 400 BAM per month,
· scholarship or certificate on provided costs issued by educational institution, or certificate on students exchange wherein is visible that he/she has provided means for subsistence,
11. Medical attestation issued no latter than three months prior to the date of submitted application indicating that the alien does not suffer from a disease presenting a threat to public health in BiH, issued by the competent medical institution for conducting medical checks. The medical certificate is not being added on occasion of residence extension except in extraordinary cases upon the evaluation of competent field office,
12. Evidence on secured health insurance in BiH for alien (insurance policy, copy of health card, evidence on registration at the Fund of health, evidence on paid individual or collective travel health insurance, work permit and other evidences),
13. Attestation of the competent authority in the alien’s country of origin confirming that no criminal proceedings and penalty for criminal acts have been imposed against him/her. Such certificated shall not be issued latter than six months prior the date of submitted residence application, and aliens who submit application for extension of temporary residence.
14. Evidence that no criminal proceeding is being conducted issued by the competent court in BiH, not longer than 6 months prior to submitting application and certificate on no criminal record issued by competent Ministry of Internal Affairs in BiH, if checks are not disseminated officially (evidence is not being disseminate when it is approval of residence),
15. Evidence on secured accommodation in BiH – evidence on possession of real estate wherein is located apartment or contract on rent of apartment, statement by landlord where alien has secured accommodation giving consent for the utilization of apartment with evidence on property or utilization of apartment. All foreign documents must be translated into one of languages which are in official usage in BiH! All aforesaid evidences are being enclosed in original or certified copy, except evidence of item 5, and 6, and evidence of item 4 must be delivered in two samples, wherein one sample is certified and other in copy.